Month: March 2015

What I’m working with…

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I am always working on something.  My writing season is April through August. I may start a story in April and do everything but write the ending.  Somewhere in September, I come back to it, and read it with fresh eyes and then figure out how it should end.  

Thus far it has worked for me to keep my writing fresh and my fans happy.

Here is my last release of the Spring- North to Alaska.

All the steam. All the heat. All the conflict. Climb aboard the action adventure train as we head north to Alaska with Riley and Amanda.

Brian J. White Is Now on Scandal

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I know you are loving it too.  I loved it so much that I could not wait to blog about. He liked the article and reposted it.

I am trying to get an inside scoop on what his new character is named and what doe she do….I will keep you posted.

Here is the link to the article.


Miss Meadows – A Hidden Gem

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Have you see this movie? Miss Meadows.

I write for a national television blog where I actually do nothing more than I normally do, watch my favorites shows and movies and tweet or write about it. Here is the link to the blog post on

Even the producers of the movie shared my link.  Woot.

miss meadows

Here is a clip of the movie.

The Last Day

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best sellersToday is the last day to get my international best seller at only $.99.

It has been a busy few months of writing and editing. The of course rewriting. I think this book is a great balance of flavors between humor and love.  I dialed back the sexy and focused on the story.  It was great to peek at reviews and have readers say I read this and now my Mom is reading it too.  I like that.

ITunes:  Kobo:  Nook

Mail order book coverI also debuted a new series titled The Value of a Man, with My Mail Order Wife being the introductory story.

I paired an unlikely couple with some unlikely circumstances to showcase you can’t always measure a woman by her name. It is a really cute and light read with warm and thought provoking characters.

Today is the last get to get this read at $.99  Only on Amazon.